I was a Firefighter before moving to law and qualifying as a solicitor in 1998. After qualification I worked in a niche legal practice that only undertook litigation work. Initially I worked on behalf of claimants and defendant insurers but later specialised in acting only for claimants. I have extensive experience and a great interest in accidents at work and road traffic accidents, but I have also acted for people injured by defective products, medical negligence, defective premises and industrial disease. I have worked in the Serious Injuries Team at Minster Law since 2013 both as a manager and solicitor and during this time I have mainly undertaken serious injury cases arising out of road traffic accidents.
What are you most passionate about in your job?
I have always enjoyed getting a great outcome for injured people. My clients have often suffered life changing injuries and every day I get the opportunity to help someone, whether that be financially or securing proper assistance and rehabilitation for them. Even before cases are settled, I have secured interim payments for clients with spinal injuries to pay for adapted accommodation on discharge from hospital, private operations for hip replacements and foot fusions, psychological treatment, and payments just to cover an injured person's mortgage when they were off work. I am fortunate to be able to work in an area of law which I still find interesting, and which allows me to make a positive difference to people’s lives.
What are your personal interests outside of work?
I have completed two marathons, but injuries mean that I now cycle and play tennis instead. I also have an ill-behaved dog.