There are often many people that you end up speaking to after an accident, and it can often be a shock to learn about the number of companies that deal with different aspects of your claim.
Below is a handy guide about who you may speak to following your accident.
Your insurer/ underwriter
They are the company that provides you with the actual cover for your vehicle. You should check your certificate of motor insurance to find their name.
There are three types of insurance cover.
- Comprehensive (also called comp or fully comp) provides cover for theft, vehicle damage in an accident, and fire. It also provides basic legal requirements for covering damage to third-party person or property.
- Third-party fire and theft (TPF&T) covers you for everything above except vehicle damage in an accident.
- Third-party only (TPO) – covers you for damage to a third-party person or property. Any damage caused to your vehicle through accident, fire or theft is not covered.
Your insurance provider (broker)
This is the company from which you bought the insurance product and may be an online company or a comparison site.
Hire/ Repair provider
These companies often work in partnership with your insurer or broker. After a non-fault accident, your broker will often instruct this company to collect your damaged vehicle, take it to storage, and arrange for an inspection of the damaged vehicle by a motor engineer.
Minster Law
Minster Law will represent you in recovering compensation for your personal injuries and any other losses not insured by your insurance policy (uninsured losses), such as loss of earnings, damage to personal items and policy excess.
If you do not have comprehensive cover under your insurance policy, Minster Law, with the assistance of the hire/repair provider, can act to recover the costs of the vehicle repairs or the pre-accident value if the vehicle is a total loss.
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