A trial is a formal argument before a judge. There is therefore one side who brings a claim (called the claimant) and the other side that defends it (called the defendant).
It is possible to have more than one party on each side and if so, these are numbered. For instance, First Defendant or Second Defendant. This would happen, for example, where there has been a road accident and the claimant is blaming two different drivers. However many parties there are, each party is usually represented by its own separate team.
Representatives: Although your case will have been handled on a day to day basis by Minster Law, at court your case will be presented by a barrister, whom will be a specialist advocate employed for their expertise in legal argument in much the same way as your GP would call in a specialist surgeon if you needed an operation.
The Judge: Judges are appointed by the Lord Chancellor from the ranks of the legal profession so were once either solicitors or barristers. The more senior judges in the High Court are referred to as ‘My Lord’ or “My Lady”. Other judges are called ‘Your Honour’. Do not worry unduly about what to call the judge, as long as you show respect they will not be offended if you get their title wrong. In addition, we and your barrister will make sure that on the day you know how to address the judge.