Finding my feet as a new paralegal

Tania Shahzadi tell us what it’s like working as a paralegal at Minster Law and the opportunities she can take advantage of.
I started working as a paralegal in February 2022 in the serious injury team. My role involves working closely with a file handler and supporting them with their case load. We have daily catch ups regarding the present position of claims and the next steps needed to progress our cases.
Sometimes there are deadlines we need to meet e.g., court hearings, so our discussions focus on ensuring we have everything prepared in a timely manner and what tasks I need to help him with to ensure each case runs as smoothly as possible for the clients. On a recent case, for example, I liaised closely with a client so that they had all the necessary information whilst they considered an offer made by a third-party representative, to ensure the decision was made and the third party informed within the deadlines.
I also liaise with clients and others for various documents we require such as medical records, police reports, and making sure our clients remember any upcoming medical appointments and answer any questions they may have pre and post the appointment and the next step in the process of their case.
I find it heart warming that my file handler knows each client’s individual background and history, getting to know them as people, rather than just the specifics of their case. This just shows me how we develop professional relationships with our clients, and the trust they place in us to help them.
Most of us when we take on a new job, often have in our minds about where that role could progress, and the paralegal role here at Minster, certainly has opportunities. Minster have created a new team specifically to support those paralegals who are looking to progress to the file handler role. Each paralegal is provided with all the training and support they need to run their own caseloads and ensure clients get the best service possible. I’m excited about this opportunity and will be applying for a role to continue to progress my career here at Minster.