Minster Law support enables volunteers to take a break

Three employees from Minster Law’s learning and development team have marked this year’s National Volunteers Week by giving a local charity’s volunteers a day off. Rachael Adams, Emma Peel and Amanda Hartshorne pledged their support to ageUK Wakefield for the day, enabling the charity’s regular volunteers to have a well-deserved break.
National Volunteers Week, which is held in June each year, celebrates the fantastic contribution millions of volunteers make to UK charities. In recognition of the special occasion, ageUK Wakefield organised a series of informative events and Rachael, Emma and Amanda were keen to help support and ease the pressure off some of the existing volunteers.
Held on 7 June, the trio attended and helped to run four interactive workshops, which had been arranged by local organisations such as the NHS South West Yorkshire Partnership’s ‘Portrait of a life’. This interesting concept encourages carers and family members to use photos from the past to help friends and relatives with dementia. There was also a simulation suit exercise, designed to make the wearer feel frail, visually impaired and have mobility restrictions.
Rachael Adams said: “The learning and development team are usually the ones presenting so it was nice for us to be presented to for a change! As well as joining in with the workshops, we also helped to keep all the ageUK Wakefield volunteers fed with yummy homemade cakes and watered with plenty of tea and coffee!
“All-in-all, we hope we made a difference to the day and contributed by boosting morale among the volunteers.”