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Settlement achieved for the husband and children of woman killed in fatal road traffic collision

Kirsty Pennock

In December 2019, we were instructed on a truly harrowing case. A woman had been tragically killed in a road traffic collision, leaving behind her devastated husband and children.

The woman, whom we will call Mrs R, was travelling in a vehicle being towed by her husband when a second vehicle ran into the back of them, causing both vehicles to leave the road.

As a result of the collision, Mrs R suffered fatal injuries, whilst her husband suffered serious injuries and psychological trauma.

Supporting a grieving family

Minster Law was instructed shortly after the accident and our specialist legal team  were able to open communications with the defendant’s representatives, even though the matter was complicated by a significant police investigation into the cause of the accident.

Our expert team obtained evidence allowing us to pursue a claim under the Law Reform Miscellaneous Provisions Act 1934 and the Fatal Accident Act 1976. The former piece of legislation allows a deceased person’s estate to recover some of the costs that they would have been entitled to claim before their death, while the latter allows a deceased person’s dependents to recover compensation from any losses arising from their death (for example, personal injury damages).

As a result, the family were able to recover the costs of Mrs R’s funeral, damaged clothing and damaged jewellery. We also helped the family bring successful claims for the loss of financial and services dependency, including a claim for her grandchild compensating for the childcare Mrs R would have provided had she lived.

We were also able to secure a mental health assessment for Mrs R’s husband, who was offered a package of counselling to support him in grieving the loss of his wife and to help him deal with his resulting travel-related trauma and anxiety.

“Nothing will ever bring Mrs R back”

Kirsty Pennock, the solicitor who acted on this distressing case, was pleased to have been able to deliver a settlement for the family that would support them on their journey to recovery. However, she acknowledged that no amount of compensation would ever account for the loss of a beloved wife and mother.

Kirsty commented: “No matter what we do or how much compensation we secure for her family, nothing will ever bring Mrs R back. However, I am pleased to have been able to support my client’s family and to have been able to recover a settlement that will allow them the space and privacy to grieve, as well as providing her young grandchild with vital financial support as he grows up without her.”